Friday, May 22, 2020

The Role of Structural Engineer

structural engineer plays an important role when it involves the event of a residential building. they will create the planning for a replacement home and confirm that the architects and contractors have all the knowledge that they have before beginning to add a residential house building project. The structural engineering services expert helps to form sure that the essential structure of the home is robust and powerful enough in order that it can stand the test of your time. The expert also can make sure that calculations on the property structure are administered properly in order that all types of structural problems which will happen within the future are often easily avoided. it's thanks to factors like these that the services of a structural engineer are highly valued. Structural engineers also can perform detailed inspections of various sorts of residential buildings so on confirm that they're in fitness which no further repairs are needed to enhance their functioning. The structural engineering companies in Bangalore generally work along side architects and contractors to review the core elements of a building. they will also use CAD software to review the steadiness of the building’s design. The software can assist the structural engineers to make blueprints of a building. they will even be used for developing three dimensional designs or models of the varied building structures. Most large scale building designing projects appoint professional structural engineers who are working during this industry for several years. Another specific sort of service that companies often hire the assistance of structural engineers is once they got to restore old residential complexes or buildings. Experts of structural engineering services perform detailed analysis of an old building. they will then understand which of the areas in an old building have undergone critical damage and are therefore in dire need of major renovation work. they will also come up with the simplest solutions for restoring defects in wood, steel, concrete and other sorts of structural elements. Structural engineers can work for his or her own businesses or operate as a corporation. Most structural engineering companies also present their clients with consulting services meant for helping them to form the proper decisions.

स्ट्रक्चरल इंजीनियर एक महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाता है जब इसमें आवासीय भवन की घटना शामिल होती है। वे एक प्रतिस्थापन घर के लिए योजना बनाएंगे और पुष्टि करेंगे कि वास्तुकारों और ठेकेदारों को एक आवासीय घर निर्माण परियोजना को जोड़ने के लिए शुरुआत से पहले के सभी ज्ञान हैं। संरचनात्मक इंजीनियरिंग सेवा विशेषज्ञ यह सुनिश्चित करने में मदद करता है कि घर की आवश्यक संरचना इतनी मजबूत और शक्तिशाली हो कि वह आपके समय की कसौटी पर खरी उतर सके। विशेषज्ञ यह भी सुनिश्चित कर सकते हैं कि संपत्ति संरचना पर गणना ठीक से प्रशासित की जाती है ताकि भविष्य के भीतर होने वाली सभी प्रकार की संरचनात्मक समस्याओं को अक्सर आसानी से टाला जा सके। यह इस तरह के कारकों के लिए धन्यवाद है कि एक संरचनात्मक इंजीनियर की सेवाएं अत्यधिक मूल्यवान हैं। स्ट्रक्चरल इंजीनियर भी विभिन्न प्रकार के आवासीय भवनों का विस्तृत निरीक्षण कर सकते हैं ताकि पुष्टि हो सके कि वे फिटनेस में हैं, जो उनके कामकाज को बढ़ाने के लिए और मरम्मत की आवश्यकता नहीं है। बैंगलोर में संरचनात्मक इंजीनियरिंग कंपनियां आम तौर पर एक इमारत के मूल तत्वों की समीक्षा करने के लिए साइड आर्किटेक्ट और ठेकेदारों के साथ काम करती हैं। वे भवन के डिजाइन की स्थिरता की समीक्षा करने के लिए सीएडी सॉफ्टवेयर का भी उपयोग करेंगे। सॉफ्टवेयर एक भवन के ब्लूप्रिंट बनाने के लिए संरचनात्मक इंजीनियरों की सहायता कर सकता है। वे भी तीन आयामी डिजाइन या विभिन्न भवन संरचनाओं के मॉडल के विकास के लिए उपयोग किया जाएगा। अधिकांश बड़े पैमाने पर बिल्डिंग डिजाइनिंग प्रोजेक्ट पेशेवर संरचनात्मक इंजीनियरों को नियुक्त करते हैं जो कई वर्षों से इस उद्योग के दौरान काम कर रहे हैं। एक अन्य विशिष्ट प्रकार की सेवा जो कंपनियां अक्सर संरचनात्मक इंजीनियरों की सहायता को किराए पर लेती हैं, एक बार उन्हें पुराने आवासीय परिसरों या भवनों को बहाल करने के लिए मिलती है। संरचनात्मक इंजीनियरिंग सेवाओं के विशेषज्ञ एक पुरानी इमारत का विस्तृत विश्लेषण करते हैं। वे तब समझेंगे कि एक पुरानी इमारत में कौन से क्षेत्र में गंभीर क्षति हुई है और इसलिए उन्हें बड़े नवीकरण के काम की सख्त जरूरत है। वे लकड़ी, स्टील, कंक्रीट और अन्य प्रकार के संरचनात्मक तत्वों में दोषों को बहाल करने के लिए सबसे सरल समाधान के साथ भी आएंगे। स्ट्रक्चरल इंजीनियर अपने स्वयं के व्यवसाय के लिए काम कर सकते हैं या निगम के रूप में काम कर सकते हैं। अधिकांश संरचनात्मक इंजीनियरिंग कंपनियां अपने ग्राहकों को उचित निर्णय लेने में मदद करने के लिए परामर्श सेवाओं के साथ प्रस्तुत करती हैं

Saturday, May 2, 2020

[Unit conversion]; Meter,inch,feet, centimeter and all factors ji

Civil Engineering unit conversion factor

Here!!! We describe the conversion unit which are generally used in the civil engineering sector.
On construction site where all the parameters of building, Road works,Dam, Canal, Railway bridge and some other construction work  are basically used following unit...
As well as the Main uses of this types of conversion unit in Architectural desgin where we have to know all the parameters of convert unit.


1 feet = 12 inch
1 feet=  0.3048 meter
1 feet = 0.0929 square metres

✓[METER] -

1 Meter =1000MM
1 Meter = 3.28 feet
1 Meter = 1.094 yard
1 Meter = 10.764 square feet


1 centimeter          =       0.3937 inches
1 centimetre.         =       0.032808 feet
2.54 centimetre     =      1 inch
30.48 centimeter   =      1 foot


1 Acre=        43560 Square feet
1Acre =        160 Square Rods
1 Acre=        10 Square chains
1 Acre=        160 pole
1Acre=         100 Square meter


1Hectare = 10,000 Square meter
1 Hectare = 107,639 Square feet
1 Hectare =  11959.8/4840= 2.47 acre


1 Link = 7.92 inches
1 Link = 0.16 feet
1Link =  0.2017 meter

[Shrinkage]; Definition,types of shrinkage

Shrinkage:- Reduction in concrete volume.

Shrinkage is the reduction in volume of hardened concrete by the action of loss of moisture by evaporation.
                                              The loss of moisture is due to difference in humidity that is temperature of hardened concrete and the atmosphere that is environment shrinkage of concrete is in irreversible process.

Types of shrinkage in concrete:-

for the better understanding about this aspects shrinkage can be classified in the following ways.....
1)Plastic shrinkage
2)Drying shrinkage
3)Autogenous shrinkage
4)Carbonation shrinkage

Now the types of shrinkage are explain as;

a)plastic shrinkage:- Due to plastic shrinkage cracks will be appear on the surface of hardened concrete or fresh concrete when its placed on the surface horizontal.
The plastic shrinkage occur mostly due to exposed surface of freshly placed floor and slab Or  other surface of building elements which have more volume and areas when they are comes in open atmosphere or environment conditions such a s rainwater air and other so rapid loss of moisture will be occur by humidit,wind,water and also temperature or both condition will be apply.
         plastic shrinkage generally the completion of concrete finishing and before the curing is a start.we know that in the concrete there will be water after that concrete volume also shrink that is moisture present in the freshly place concrete is quickly evaporates beforet curing is in action.plastic shrinkage develope creaks all the direction.
according to the observation the plastic shrinkage up to few millimetre to centimetre.

b)Drying Shrinkage:- Drying shrinkage is defined as the contacting of freshly hardened concrete mixer due to the loss of water that is capillary water.
Drying shrinkage can occur in slab beam column bearing wall prestress member tanks and foundation or other building elements.
Transferring is very important property of cementition composites influencing there durability.
Drying Shrinkage is similar to creep in many ways. In common with creep Drying Shrinkage is initiated by volume cheaper that result from the consumption  and rearrangement of moisture within restrain concrete.The strain generated is of the order of 600×10^-6 mm/mm.
This factor include the amount and rate of shrinkage the degree of restraint the amount of creep and modulus of elasticityy.
Bahar et al(2004); reported that shrinkage increases rapidly during the first four days for cement stabilized Earth brick and the addition of send reduces the shrinkage and particle oppose  the shrinkage moment he also observed the addition of cement contain can reduce the shrinkage upto 49% for 10% cement contain added.
BSI 6073 and Australian standard 2733Australian standards 2733 can be used to measure the drinking shrinkage (walker,1995);(walker&Stace,1996).

C)Autogenous shrinkage:- Autogenous shrinkage in the uniform reduction of internal moisture due to cement hydration which is typically of high strength concrete.
  The main factor that influences the autogenous shrinkage of concrete water cement ratio and concrete maturity concrete maturity is when will influenced by temperature variation in types of cement in which we are used in the construction work.

This shrinkage significantly to concrete cracking when the water cement ratio in less than 0.4 or however the strength and I'm permeability of concrete will be decrease if the water cement ratio is increased.
determining the Autogenous shrinkage are described by theJapan concrete institute [7475] and by aitcin [76]. The accurate measurement of autogenous shrinkage from a very early age for the first 24 hours required special procedure.
Correction to convicted strain are made for temperature changes by assuming the coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete is 10×10^-6/°c.
Autogeneous shrinkage during the hydration cement concrete under autogenous shrinkage with the surrounding environment it is small but concrete with very low water cement ratio tends to have high autogenous shrinkage.

d) carbonation shrinkage:-carbonation is the reaction of carbon dioxide CO2 present in atmosphere with the hydrated cement minerals in the presence of moisture in the presence of moisture CO2 forms carbonic acid which reacts with caoh2 to form calcium carbonate caco3 the actual rate of carbonation depends on the permeability of concrete its moisture content and contain of co2 relative humidity of the ambient medium and size of the specimen grade of concrete depth of whatever the concrete protected in time the highest rate of carbon is sun a relative humidity of 52 70% the rate of population depends is approximately proportional to the the square root of time.

Friday, May 1, 2020

[Cement]; Definition; Composition, manufacturing,uses...

What is cement?

✓Cement is a binding material and substance used for construction that helps to set hardam and adheres two other material to bind them together.
✓Cement mixer with fine aggregate to produce motor masonary work or with sand and gravel produce concrete.
✓Concrete is the most widely used material in the world for the the construction of any structure.

The word cement can be tracked back to the Roman term opus caementicium. Used to describe missionary assembling modern concrete that was made from crush rock with burnt lime as binder.

Composition- there are following major ingredients of cement.

  1. Lime
  2. Silica
  3. Alumina
  4. Magnesia
  5. Iron oxide
  6. Calcium sulphate
  7. Sulphur trioxide
  8. Alkaline

They are following general percentage of these ingredients in cement is given as
Ingredients.                  Percentage in cement
Lime.                                60-65%
Silica.                                17-25%
Alumina.                          3-8%
Magnesia.                         1-3%
Iron oxide.                        0.5-6%
Calcium sulphate.            0.1-0.5%
Sulphur trioxide.             1-3%
Alkaline.                            0-1%

History of Cement:-

The origin of hydraulic cement goes back to ancient Greek and Rome.the material used one line and volcanic Ash that slowly reacted with it in the presence of water to form hard mass.this form the cementing material of the Roman motors and concretes of 2000 years ago and of construction work in western Europe.volcanic Island near what is now the city of Italy was particular is a reach in essential element mineral giving rise to the classic pozzolana cement of the Roman era.

Types of Cement:-following are the types of cement.
  1. Ordinary Portland cement 
  2. Portland pozzolana cement
  3. Rapid hardening cement
  4. Quick setting cement
  5. Low heat cement
  6. Sulphate resisting cement
  7. Glass finance cement
  8. High alumina cement
  9. White cement
  10. Coloured cement
  11. Hydrophobic cement
  12. Air entraining cement
  13. Expensive Cement
Here is the the five types of cement will be explained below. 

1.Ordinary  Portland cement -ordinary Portland cement which is the most widely and commonly and in the world this type of cement is manufactured to powder by mixing limestone in other raw material which consist of argillaceous, calcareous and gypsum. It is preferred in places near there is need to fast construction.

2. Portland pozzolana cement:-Portland pozzolana cement is produced by grinding together Portland Cement clinker in artificial fortuner that is flies with addition of gypsum or calcium sulphate.
                                                        Generally 15 to 25% flies mid-day and ground together with 65 to 75% and 32 6% gypsum to make the best PPC Cement in Nepal.

3. Rapid hardening cement:- rapid hardening cement is similar to to ordinary Portland cement, the according to the name
Suggested this this cement gain strength more rapidly as compared to the rapid hardening cement. Rapid hardening cement which develop higher rate of development of strength should not be confused with your setting cement which only set quickly it means the rapid hardening cement give the rapid strength as compared to the quick setting cement because pics setting cement which only set quickly.
              rapid hardening cement can be used in following situation..
✓in prefabricated concrete construction
✓road repair work
✓in cold weather condition

Note:- setting time  of rapid hardening cement..
Initial setting time-30min(minimum)
Final setting time- 600min(maximum).

4. Quick setting cement:- according to the name of cube setting cement is indicates this type of cement is generally used where quick setting of cement is needed.
                              Quick setting cement is generally mixed with water start to set in 5 minut and become hard like stone in just 30 minute.

5. Low heat cement:-accroding to the name of lohit cement is indicate this type of cement is used in order to reduce the amount of heat involved during setting. It can be used in mass construction work.the concrete made by low heat cement is highly resistant against rapture.

6. sulphate resisting cement:-sulphate resisting cement is the name indicates these cement are used in order to resist  sulphate action. Ordinary PPC cement is unable to resist sulphate attack. this cement contain calcium hydroxide and hydrated calcium aluminium and this reacts with sulphate and form calcium sulphate and calcium aluminate respectively. by product obtained by reaction within the framework of hydrated cement best result in expansion and subsequently description of the state concrete occur.

Environment impact:-
 cement manufacturer causes environmental impact at all stage of the process this includes emission of airborne pollution in the form of the gases noise and vibration when operating machinery and during blasting in queries and damage to countryside from quarrying. Equipment to reduce dust emission during quarrying and manufacture of cement is widely used and equipment to track and separate exhaust gases are coming into increased use.environmental protection are also includes the every integration of curious into the mountain side countryside after they have been closed down by returning them to nature only cultivation them.

  Que:-what is the weight of 1 bag cement?
Please comment....     

Saturday, April 25, 2020

[Top 10] civil engineering interview questions and answers,Best Interview Question

Are you preparing any of interview for civil engineering job?

So this blog is very useful for civil engineering students...
Here I'm providing Top 10 useful interview questions with their answers as well..
Each and every question are much important to appearing in the interview.

Interviewer wants to you that the following questions of their answers are known.

Now!!! Started:::::

Que:-1what is plinth area?
Ans1- plinth area-plinth area means the covered built up area that is calculated at the floor level of any story aur at the floor level of the basement.
                                       plinth area is also known as built up area and is referred to the total area captured by the building along with interior and exterior walls. 

Note-plinth area normally remain 10 to 20% in excess of carpet area.

Que:2-what is aggregate
Ans:-2 aggregate is the component of a composite material used to resist compressive stress.

Que:3- what is the meaning of modulus of elasticity?
Ans:3- modulus of elasticity is related to the flexibility of the material.The value of modulus of elasticity is important in case of deflection or different material used in building construction.

Que:4- what are steps involved in concreting process?
Ans:-4 a)batching
c)Transporting and placing of concrete d)compacting

Que:5- what is unit weight of concrete?
Ans:-5 according to IS 456:2000,
Unit weight of PCC 24 kn/m^3
Unit weight of RCC 25 kn/m^3

Que:6- what is unit weight of Steel?
Ans:-6 unit weight of Steel 78.5kn/m^3

Que:7- what is ductility?
Ans:-7 ductility is the ability to deform under tensile stress.

Que:8- what is length of rise and tread in staircase?
Ans:8- rise-- 150 to 200mm
             Tread- 250 to 300mm

Que:9- what is moment of inertia?
Ans:9- quantity expressing a body tendency to resist angular acceleration which is the sum of the product of the the mass of each particle in the body with the square of its distance from the axis of rotation.

Que:10- what is the M20 grade?
Ans:10- M20:- 1:1.5:3
(Cement,sand, aggregate)